Undine, the newest Elemental hero in Ever Legion, brings a powerful damage reduction aura to the battlefield, giving you a significant advantage from the start of each battle. This, combined with her area burst and sustained output, makes her a valuable addition to any team.
Acquire Undine through the current Elemental Summoning event. This is your chance to add this formidable hero to your roster. Remember, success depends on a bit of luck!
Ever Legion, a character-collection RPG set in the world of Nevria, boasts a captivating visual style, diverse character combinations, epic boss battles, and challenging "Deathless" armies. If you're looking for a visually stunning idle RPG with engaging gameplay, Ever Legion is worth checking out.
For a comprehensive comparison of heroes and their strengths, consult our Ever Legion tier list.
Download Ever Legion for free on the App Store and Google Play (in-app purchases available). Stay updated on the latest news and events by joining the community on Facebook, visiting the official website, or watching the video above for a glimpse into the game's world.